River of Life Community ChurchChurch

Building Fellowship & Bettering Communities through the Gospel

Student Ministries


River of Life Community Church sees our youth as the future of this nation and this church. We are dedicated in reaching the young people and training them into the way they should live. From the time they are in our Toddler Class to the Junior Class, they are taught biblical principles for daily living. We also have a Youth Program for our Junior and Senior High students.

Kiddie Corner


Our Kiddies Corner is the nursery program for newborns through four years of age. We offer supervised overseers so parents can enjoy the Worship Service without worry.

Community Involvment


River of Life Community Church has an outward focus. From helping feed and clothe our neighbors; outreaches focused on kids; reaching our Hispanic neighbors through our Maple Falls Church. We even extend around the world through our involvement in Missions both financially and through trips to their communities.

Adult Ministries


We at River of Life Community Church ministers to the needs of the adults through small group studies and prayer meetings. The men & Women have a weekly Wednesday night Bible Studies, and Men a monthly Men’s Breakfast. The Women have a fellowship gathering once a month on the 1st Tuesday. Also, a Prayer Group meets at a home on Thursdays. The women also gather for a retreat each May.